
Fierce, to the power of mom.

I can think of many adjectives to describe “mother” - nurturing, caring, strong, tough, wise, giving, forgiving, compassionate, empathetic, beautiful, selfless, patient, tireless, generous, intuitive, flexible… One, however, captures the true essence of what it means to be a mother and distinguishes her from all others.


A mother fiercely protects her family and will do everything in her power to keep it safe. She would lay down and die for it. Who else but your mother (or father) would do that for you? Pretty incredible.

So compelling is this, she will most always put her own needs behind everyone else’s.

But, dear mother, you forget that to best look after everyone else, you must look after yourself. It’s ok to put yourself first once in a while. You are not only a mother, you are your own person. Remember what made you happy before you had children and try to infuse a little of that spirit into your days.

Being a mother is the toughest thing I have ever done, hands down. And childbirth???!! Holy cow, I feel fierce just thinking about it. If I you do that, you can do anything! Grrrr hear me roar!

Let’s celebrate and cherish not just the softness, but also the toughness of motherhood. Don’t hide it, embrace it.

Take it to the wall. Take it to the playground Take it to the PAC meetings. Take it to the grocery store. Take it to the soccer pitch. Take it to the spin class. Take it to the office. Take it to the kitchen. Take it to the trails, the mountains, the sky, the ocean …and for goodness sake, TAKE IT TO THE GYM!

You possess the superpower of motherhood. BE FIERCE (but in that kind, compassionate, giving way that we do 😘).

Infitiny ~ Be Exceptional


Mind Over Matter

