Dare to Dream
Dare to dream.
That we should dream and dream big is no newsflash, but bringing this into focus can really make a positive impact on your life. It is important because it means the difference between status quo, mediocrity, settling, accepting, idleness, going backwards in perpetuity.
When I dream, it’s not about hypothetical, airy fairy, nebulous, head in the clouds stuff (though that’s fun too). When I dream, it’s about what is POSSIBLE to attain. Maybe not today, but some day in the foreseeable future. When I talk about setting goals that are “just out of reach” or “just beyond the tips of your fingers”, this is what I mean to DREAM. I don’t mean dreaming about something that will never happen - yes I do believe we have limits - I mean dreaming about what is possible, with some focus, devotion, hard work …and a plan. In other words, a goal.
The DREAM is necessary to motivate us to push a little farther. The GOAL is the plan for how we will get there. Set your sights on a lofty yet attainable dream, then set the goals (milestones) for how you will get there.
That emptiness we’ve all been feeling this past year? That’s largely a lack of dreaming. In the spirit of opening up our lives, our hearts and hopefully our arms soon, it’s time to dream again!
Infitiny ~ Be Exceptional